A film I watched at Dokufest  

Drama and Reality combined

This sunday 17th August 2014, I went to dokufest in the town of Prizren. It was the 2nd day of the festival. Dokufest is an international Documentary and Short Film Festival taking place every year in Kosovo. This year the festival celebrates it’s 13th edition. Dokufest has achieved so much international acclaim, that the number of films it recieves each year is increasing. Even UK’s newspaper ‘The Guardian’ has written an article on Dokufest this year.


I left Prishtina at 16:00 and reached Dokufest Prizren by 16:40, thank’s to the new fast motorway route - this is short drive compared to a few years back it would take hours to reach Prizren.


First stop, the media centre where I got my hands on a festival schedule and additional information from the voluntry staff, about where the different screenings were located.

Right, 18:00 was the nearest film screenings, so my companians and I had about an hour to wonder around and drink coffee.

Whilst drinking an ice cold frappuccino at Prince Coffee House, I had time to look at the schedule and see what was on, there were three films to be screened at 18:00,


  1. The Road to Memphis (category: Focus America - Spotlight Richard Pearce) @ KINO CLUB

  2. Maiden (category: Human Rights Box) @ CULTURE HOUSE

  3. 20,000 Days on Earth (category: International Dox - Feature)

I read each one of their descriptions and was trying to make a decision on the basis of interest, current issues and category positioning. I eliminated the second one alsmost immediately. Although at first I thought of watching Maiden due to it’s coverage of the recent uprising conflict in Ukraine, but I said no I’ve had enough exposure to documentaries about conflicts in my lifetime - so this was out of the list for today.

Besides it’s sunday, a relaxing day, I want to be exposed to something completely different. Something new, something entertaining. The two options available were: The Road to Memphis and 20,000 Days on Earth - both films were about music and musicians, yes I like music, but still had to decide on one of them.


In the mean time, glazing at walkers by, there were so many internationals present, all equipped with schedules in their hands, dokufest memorabilia, and their big canon’s taking personal photos of Prizren.

Prizren really feels multicultural everytime I come, but today the multicultural appeal was really enhanced visually - even more.

Chatting away, then comes a really old man, in his 80’s he sit’s right opposite our table on the river wall, he can not go unnoticed, he’s in his 80’s selling lighter’s and pens - trying to earn a living even in his 80’s. Really heartbreaking and thought provoking. One of my companian’s immediatly gave him 5 euros and got into conversation with the man about his life and why he’s out at such an old age earning a living still.

The old man then asked us the time and said that he needs to leave Prizren now as it will take him two hours to walk home, and needs to reach home before night falls. Oh my gosh we complain about walking 10 minutes and this old man walks for two hours and in his eighties, presumingly he does this everyday.

It is amazing to the everyday life stories one is exposed to, simply recording every day conversations with different people could make interesting films. People storeis are fascinating you get insight into so many different aspects of their lives that can be insipring on your own life. Or it can make you be thankful on the life you lead.

Comming back to the schedule again, as 6 o'clock was nearing, It was time to make my final decision on the film I was about to see. Ok so, The Road to Memphis was a film about blues music - somthing that I am not that much of a fan and it was not attracting me too much, so I was drawing nearer to the last choice available.

The film’s ‘20,000 Days on Earth’ discription on the schedule read

‘a drama and reality combine in a fictious 24 hours in the life of musician and international cultural icon Nick Cave’.

I thought this was more nearer to home, a film from the UK. This definatly was going to be the film I want to watch. My companians agreed to watch this film too.

We arive at the door, the cinema room is packed 150 seats were full, we were the 15 extra let in that had to be seated on the isle steps, or extra chairs put behind the top rows. Due to this we missed the begining of the film slightly, but this didn’t effect in anyway as the voice over of the film drew you in immediately.

Then you are hit by the visual aesthetics of the film, so beautifully presented. The images took you into a music culture that got you interested straight away.


As the film goes on, you get intimate exposure of the artistic process, and the hard work that goes behind the creativity in music writing. This film is an insight into the life of Nick Cave and at the same time it is a therapeutic onlook at what makes us who we are.

The depiction of the musicans, and their concert’s is such a celebration of their creative spirit. Purely amazing. I really liked the creative construct of the interview in the film - it seemed like a session with the psychologist. I loved the mise en scene in many of the shots, really helps the audience sense the lifestyle of musicians. As I continued to watch, I thought to myself, I’m really happy with our choice. Docu-dramas are something that I am really keen on as well.


This film was really interesting to watch. I recommend you watch it, even if you are not a fan of rock music but you can get loads more out of it. You truly will be entertained for all of the 97 mins. You’ll find it a really inventive, creative and inspiring film.

20,000 days on earth was made by these visual artist genius: Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard:


The film has recieved numerous awards and is being screened internationally.

To look at the trailer and for more info on this film, here is the link to their direct website:


One is not born a genius, one becomes a genius so go get creative, or enhance thyself in whatever work of field you are in.

For further inspiration this years dokufest moto:


Lastly, if you find yourself in Kosovo go visit dokufest it’s on until 24th August. http://dokufest.com/2014/

Many thanks for reading and please share my blog post with your friends ;)


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