find out how to make them at home

Pitta bread was always present in our home while living in the UK. Since they were no longer available to me when I moved away, I wanted to learn how to make them because I missed eating them so much.

In this post I will add a link to a video on youtube that shows you how to make them simply and quickly.

Pitta breads are flat white bread that are so delicious on their own or filled with different filling recipes. I really like pitta breads beacuse they are flat, less dough in them - so much more flattering if we like keeping ourselves slim.


Pitta bread are so delicious when dipping into wonderfully tasting dips like humous and eating them while they are still warm - so mouthwatering.

They are an excellent idea to have them as staters or nibble snacks when you have a celebration going on.


Here is the link to a video that shows you how to prepare pitta bread at home. I like this video beacuse it shows us how to bake them on stove using a frying pan rather than baking them in an oven.


From this recipe you get alot of pittas, which you can store in a freezer for later use or when having guests round.

They are delicious when stuffed:


Delicious with meats:


Get creative use them as a pizza base:


Enjoy making them if you can not get access to buying them for the time being.

Thank you for reading :)
Bon apetit


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