Celebrating a love for Colours  

because colour is much more fun

Greetings fellow readers of my blog. Are you a fan of colours just like me?

I am a lady who loves to see colour around me. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been working in a world of creativity for a long while, or my love for nature from a young age. Nature it’s self is made of colour, therefore, we are inhabitants of a colourful globe from very early primative eras until todays new technology dominated era, where our TV and Computer screens are advancing so quickly. How boring would life be if our world was monochrome, and if our TV sets still projected black and white material. We’d all be so depressed and confused.

Colour is rather an imporant element in our human life. It is what helps us with chategrisation and classification of different objects, clothes, even a chategoration of our genders. For example, this is still the case today Pink is for Girls and Blue for boys. However, fashion and trends have introoduced the colour pink to men’s clothing too.

There is a science of color known as ‘chromatics’, ‘colorimetry’, or ‘color science’.

In an article in wikipidea, Colour Science is the study of:

  1. Perception of color by the human eye and brain,
  2. The origin of color in materials,
  3. Color theory in art,
  4. The physics of electromagnetic radiation in the visible range (light).

Rather than looking into deep at theme of colour, I’m more keen to write this post about what makes some of us like coulourful things over monochorme or vise versa. For the purpose of narrowing down my choice of subject further I’d like to concentrate on ‘Personality associations with Colour’.

Furthermore, colour psychology suggests that our favourite colours reflect our personality type. My favourite is the colour green, it’s a colour that I’ve liked ever since I can rember.

This is what colour psychology suggests about people who their favourite colour is green:

‘You have a deep need to belong, to love and be loved, and to feel safe and secure. You need acceptance and acknowledgment for the everyday things you do for others - just a 'thank you’ is sufficient.‘

I guess some of these traits can be found in my personality, however, I’ve read the other colours descriptions and some of their elements are matching my personality also.

How about you, which is your favourite colour? Find out what your favorite colour says about you via this link:


In actual fact, I’ve noticed this has changed overtime. As I get older I begin to appreciate a lot more of the other colours present in the spectrum.
Red, I thought was never a colour that would suit me, and in actuality I have several red items in my closet nowadays. Generally speaking my wardrobe has always had varied coloured garments in it.

Recently, I can not decide on one colour anymore, when it comes to colouring my nails. I have developed a liking for multi couloured nail fingers. I quite like it, it seems so sweet, fun and brightens up my world, transforms positive energy to myself and to others maybe so.

Here’s what the colour of our clothes say’s according to this info graphic:


Here’s my colourful nails; this year i’m sporting the multicolour thang :)




here’s me wearing my fave colour :)


If your fave colour is green too, then here’s the psychological properties and the affect the colour green brings forth:


The positive propoerties it reflects are:

  1. Harmony,
  2. Balance,
  3. Refreshment,
  4. Universal love,
  5. Rest,
  6. Restoration,
  7. Reassurance,
  8. Environmental awareness,
  9. Equilibrium, 10.Peace.

There’s a lil’ negitivity associated with colour too I’m afraid:


What makes green a restful colour is becuase colour scientists have stated that green is easily seen by the eye, and in such a way as to require no adjustment.

Green is in the centre of the spectrum, therefore making it the colour of balance.

Here’s why us greenies prefer nature, green areas, vegitations:

On a primitive note; we like our world with lot’s of green, bcause it means there’s plenty of water around, thus minimising the oppertuity of famine.

I’d rather not elaberate on the negatives, because I want to end the post on a positive note.

So be colourful, be happy, be social, be kind, stay positive, and most importantly love and be loved. And enjoy colour.

Take care until next time.
Much Luv


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