Movement Starter’s

make big changes

Hello fellow readers of my blog, today’s post I dedicate to writing about big charity based movement’s. The most current one ‘ALS Ice bucket challenge’ that has gone major viral - globally. Including my native country Kosovo is taking in on this movement. Profound public faces are taking part in the challenges and nominating one another. Besides the idea behind it, the great cause it is supporting, nonetheless, it is funny to hear their freezing screams, cold in despair gasps for air, and interesting nominations of familiar names to take on the challenge.

This goes to say how a simple idea can strike big with people. It is so powerful when people are brought together globally, even better when it is all for a good cause. This is such a wonderful demonstration of the power that has made it possible to bring people together; the internet, technology and social media on en masse style.

How amazing it is when movements like this brings people together ingeniously.

What is it that urges people to join and be part of these type of movements?

  1. Self expousure and their interest in good causes.
  2. For the fun of the challenge.
  3. A genuine dedication on the participation in spreading the word further on a particular movment.
  4. A shared interest to change the world.

Seth Godin, a marketing guru, is big on the subject of ‘movments’ and emphasis widely in his writing that we should all take part in movements. Seth in one of his talks in TED, asks us all to start a creative movement, the world needs movments to help spread the word on important issues. He goes on to say; ideas that spread, do end up winning and succeeding. I find the way movments touch people through means of hyperdermic penetration into their emotion, is phenomenal. One great example is the ‘AlGore movment to change the world’. There are millions of other movements
out there that you can get into or you may be already helping out a great movment or two.

Seth suggests we can do the same, all we need is about 1,000 people to help us spread the word. Firstly, we need to find the true believers that are are keen to participate and would commit to the movement throughout.


A remarkable movment started this year was ‘Love Noli, initiated by Toska Doçiqi Husted and her daughter Riana Husted whom started a campaign with their friends from all over the world showing Love and Support for Noli’.

Noli Rrahmani was a remarkable man to live on this planet, sadly we lost him to stomach cancer. This movment was such a simple idea but so so so meaningful. It united each and everyone who knew Noli and those who didn’t. Eachday we’d all tune in the Facebook group ‘Love Noli’ wishing that he’d be cured of this monsterous disease. The saddest day was the day his death was announced.

However, this movement was so amazing that it united all part of it, accross the world. We were brought together in great awe of LOVE, friendship, support, mourning, celebration of his character, greatness, kindness, freedom. This definitely, left a lasting effect not only emotionally but to drive the ‘LOVE NOLI’ movement forward.

This is a photo of Noli:


After Noli had passed away an auction was organized by Noli’s brother Asdren Rrahmani. The money raised from the auction was sent to help a young boy called Omer Mehmeti. Over 7,000 pounds were raised.

You can also help Omer, use the link below for more info:

Ta ndihmojmë Omer Mehmetin

“Love Noli” is now a Charitable Organization, that will be organising yearly events to help spread the word of LOVE and SUPPORT, raising funds to help those fighting the cancer disease.

Let’s all be part of this wonderful movement.

Until next post. Take care and stay safe.
Luv thy self and your loved ones, and your fellow global inhabitants who need our support.

Thank you for reading :)


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